Camp Thistlethwaite
Camp Thistlethwaite
The Evangeline Area Council started using this site in 1924, known then as Camp Evangeline. The property was donated to the council by the heirs of John R.
Thistletwhaite by an act of donation on June 11, 1934 from the Thistlethwaite Planting Company, Ltd. John R. Thistelthwaite served as the Chairman of the Opelousas District Scouting Committee. This site was also at one time used by the Opelousa Indian Tribe
Council and District Camping activites were held on this property until the opening of Lost Bayou Scout Camp (formerly called Mountain Bayou).
The property is located at 923 Hwy 746 in Washington, LA. It is some 125 acres of mixed hardwood timber and swamp/bog and is ideal for Boy Scout Troop weekend camping. This facility is semi primitve as there is running water but it is NOT POTABLE (so bring your drinking/cooking water), there are also two flush toilets with a cold water shower.
Oh, and you may want to bring a fishing pole and try your luck in Lake Lang which was named after a long time Scout Executive Bernard A. "Pops" Lang. Before working for the Evangeline Area Council Pops was a Coach and Assistant Principle of Lafayette High School.