Shooting Sports Trainings
Shooting Sports Resources
Leadership and Training
When "Weekend Camping", units and districts supply their own properly credentialed range leadership to use the equipment and ranges. Leadership requirements for these activities are defined in the National Shooting Sports Manual and the Guide to Safe Scouting; links to both are available under the links section at the bottom of the page. Training for BSA Shooting Sports Leadership roles is from USA Archery and the National Rifle Association, offered by Scouters serving on the council shooting sports committee. Links to all trainings can be found below.
NRA Certified Rifle Instructor/NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor Training
This is a training session to train persons (age 21 ) to be either a NRA Certified Rifle Instructor or a NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor. During registraion you will be asked to select one or the other. Age 21+ (9/25-9/27) Register.
Shooting Sports Awards
Shooting Sports activities provide an opportunity for instant recognition for improving upon personal marksmanship as well as learning and understanding how to use firearms in a safe manner. Listed below are resources for some of the awards that youth, and even adults, can earn while shooting. For more information about the awards, most of the links below redirect to external website.