Executive Board

The executive board in each local council is it's policy-making body. Voting members include between 25 to 50 board members, the chairmen of the committees of the executive board, and District Chairmen. The Scout executive is a nonvoting member. 

Council Executive Committee

Dennis Pennington, President

Billy McCarthy, Council Commissioner

Chuck Williams, Council Commissioner-Elect

Michelle Cooper, VP Program

Gary McGoffin, Legal Advisor

Jim Faulk, Treasurer

Chris Rader, VP Finance

Jamie Thompson, VP Properties

David McBride, VP Membership

Wayne Prejean, VP Exploring

Chris Villemarette, VP Administration

Jimmy Lewis, VP Marketing

Michael Watts, VP Camping

Members at Large

Donna Aucoin

Andy Boagni

John Caro

Bert Cestia III

Cory Choate

Matt Delcambre

Dan Duplantis

Jules Edwards

Mike Edwards

Henry Eikel

Patrick Hebert

Marty Hellickson

Larry Cramer

Luke Manfre

Brian Miller

Lee Ritter

Jim Simon

Brian Thompson

Staci Villemarette